There are a few ways to get your exact colors into our designs. Many designs have color options to choose from before personalizing, but you can also request your own color changes using Free Designer Assistance. This could be as simple as changing the background of your design to a complementary color from your photo, to changing the hues of a floral design to match your wedding colors.
Just personalize your card in one of the existing color schemes, filling out all text and adding photos, then select "Request Free Designer Assistance" at the end of the customization process and let us know what color you'd like to use and which elements should change color.
You won't be able to personalize the card on the site after it has been edited by our team, so we recommend completing as much of the personalization as you can before requesting edits. Of course, if you need any further adjustments after we make the color changes you can just request another edit and we will make further edits for you.
A few things to keep in mind:
- Foil elements can only be changed to silver, gold, or rose gold
- Some designs contain artwork that can only be edited as a single image, so individual parts (e.g. leaves, flowers, trees, etc) may not be able to be changed on their own
- Specific Hex Code Number, Pantone Colors and/or specific Color Names are helpful to get to as close of a color that is desired
- We don't print spot colors, so if you provide a Pantone Color ID we will create a close but not exact match using a CMYK color scheme
- You cannot change the color variation of the card after you start personalizing your card; request Free Designer Assistance to have one of our designers change the card to one of the color variation options
If you have questions about your options please contact us and we'll let you know how we can update your design.