Yes, you can ask for edits until we get the proof exactly how you like it. For additional edits usually the easiest thing to do is wait until your proof is returned to you, then request additional edits. But we know your time is important so depending on where you are the process may be different. See below for which stage of the process you are in.
Immediately After Requesting Your Edit
In some cases you can go back to your cart and click "edit design" and this will cancel the current edits if you just want to personalize your design more. You'll be able to request Free Designer Assistance again once you are finished personalizing
If that option isn't available or you would like to add new requests to your initial edits, you'll need to contact us and we will update your edit to include any new requests
After Approving Your Proof
If you've approved edits that our designers have made, but need to request another edit, we can easily "un-approve" your proof so you can request further edits. Contact us with your new edits and we will complete your edits and send a new proof.
After Placing Your Order
Once you have approved and paid for your order, we may still be able to edit your card depending on the order's status. If you've placed your order and notice an edit you need, be sure to contact us right away so we can catch the order. If the order status states that it is not in the printing stage, we can still place the order on hold for you so that our designers can make any necessary edit requests that you may have.
If your order is printing, it's unlikely that we'll be able to adjust it at that point, due to our automated process. Just contact us and we'll check on your order status and provide options.