Once an order has been placed you won’t be able to adjust the quantity of cards without canceling and reordering at the correct amount. This is the only way to add additional cards to your order without placing an additional order and paying for shipping again.
If your order is not printing yet you can cancel your order yourself and then reorder with your additional product included. As long as you place the reorder in a timely manner it should have little impact on your production timeline. Follow the instructions here to process the cancellation: How do I cancel my order?
If your order is already printing and you don’t see a Cancel Order button you’ll need to submit a request and let our agents halt the production of your cards before they are shipped. While you wait for that to happen you can place your reorder with additional cards included.
If you are having any trouble canceling your order or placing a new one at the correct amount, contact us and we'll take a look at your shopping cart and let you know how we can help.