Many issues can be solved by making sure you are using one of our template spreadsheets. These are formatted with what the site is expecting in each column. You can format your own spreadsheet to match, but if you are experiencing errors we recommend using our templates.
There are a few errors that can happen when uploading and we'll walk through the most common errors in this article.
US Address/City cannot be blank
US State is not selected from the dropdown
General formatting
We offer two templates, one for US addresses and one for International:
- United States: Download US Template (includes military & US territories)
- International: Download International Template
If starting from your own spreadsheet, keep the following in mind:
- US addresses should have 6 columns: (A)Name, (B)Address line 1, (C)Address line 2, (D)City, (E)State, (F)Zip
- International addresses should have 5 columns: (A)Name, (B)Address line 1, (C)Address line 2, (D)Address line 3, (E)Country
- Name must be in one cell, both first and last name. If you are trying to split names into two lines, see: Can I split a recipient name into two lines?
- Even if you aren't using one of the Address columns, keep the column there. A common issue is US spreadsheets that only have 5 columns and the site will be expecting a zip code in column F and produce an error
- All fields aside from Address 2 (US) or Address 3(International) need to be filled in. If you are trying to enter blank rows to get extra cards and envelopes, note that you'll be able to order extra cards with blank envelopes after moving forward with your addresses
Address/City cannot be blank
This occurs if there is no information in Address 1 or the City columns (B and D) in the US template. The error message will tell you which row(s) have the issue. Go back to your spreadsheet and fill in the city or address for the note rows, then save your file and upload again.
State is not selected from the dropdown
In our US template, each state is listed in the dropdown in column E. If no state is chosen, an error will be shown. If you are using your own template, make sure that you have 6 total columns: (A)Name, (B)Address line 1, (C)Address line 2, (D)City, (E)State, (F)Zip
Zip Code is not valid
The site will look for a zip code in column F for US addresses. A common issues is that the spreadsheet does not have the right number of columns causing the zip code column (F) to be blank or to have the city or state in that column instead. Make sure that you have 6 total columns: (A)Name, (B)Address line 1, (C)Address line 2, (D)City, (E)State, (F)Zip. Download US Template to start with accurate columns or adjust your spreadsheet accordingly.
(screenshot of proper columns)
If you have the right columns or are using our template already, check that all zip codes are filled in and complete. Blank cells will cause an error as well as any cell that does not contain a 5-digit number. Zip codes starting with 0 can sometimes be formatted to omit the zero resulting in a 4-digit number. See the following article to fix this: My zip code starts with zero and the zero is being removed in my spreadsheet. How do I fix this?
Intl Country cannot be blank
This usually means that column E in your spreadsheet is blank. Make sure you have 5 columns with the country in the last column (E) or start from our International Template