If you're experiencing any issues with your voucher or discount code, first follow these troubleshooting steps:
- Ensure you've entered the right characters; for best results we recommend you copy and paste the code into the discount field to avoid typos. And be sure you didn’t also include a space after the code.
- Some codes cannot be combined with other discounts, and the site will replace the discount with whatever is larger.
- Check the email you received for the voucher details: Ensure what you’re using is the voucher or redemption code and not an order number or transaction ID - our discounts are usually a 9-digit code that is a mix of letters and numbers or a phrase relating to the discount
- Check that the discount is for Paper Culture and that it applies to the product category you are purchasing. If the code is good for stationery then it can’t be used on holiday cards.
If your voucher code still isn't working, contact us with the code you're using and we'll make sure you get the right discount. You can also just place your order and contact us and we will adjust the total based on the discount that should have applied.