You can select your card quantity before you start personalization but you will have a final chance to adjust your totals in your shopping cart before you check out. This is represented a few ways:
With blank envelopes
If you order cards with blank envelopes your cart will look like this:
You will see an image of your card and next to that the quantity of cards you would receive which in this case is 50 cards. Below that is the number of blank envelopes to go with those cards which will always match the quantity of cards you chose from the dropdown menu.
With addressed envelopes
If you order cards with addressed envelopes your cart will look like this:
Here you see our the two quantities represented non-addressed and addressed.
Non-addressed represents the number of cards you are ordering with blank envelopes. This amount is always in quantities of 10 and can be adjusted up or down with the drop down menu.
Addressed represents the number of cards that will come with addressed envelopes. This amount will always be equal to the number of recipients you selected during the Address Book section.
Together these two numbers represent the total number of cards you are purchasing. So in the example illustrated above you would receive 65 cards total, 50 with blank envelopes and 15 with addressed envelopes. If you only wanted 50 cards in total you would need to adjust the non-addressed quantity down to best match that threshold.
With Mailed For You
If you order cards with our Mailed For You option your cart will look like this:
Here you see our the two quantities represented Shipped To You and Mailed For You.
Shipped To You represents the number of cards you are ordering with blank envelopes (or return address only envelopes) that we are shipping directly to you. This amount is always in quantities of 10 and can be adjusted up or down with the drop down menu. This is a great way to get extra cards you might be delivering in person.
Mailed For You represents the number of addressed cards and envelopes we will be mailing out on your behalf. This quantity will always match the number of recipients you've selected. The cost for the envelopes is represented below the card quantity and the cost of the stamps will be shown on the final page of checkout along with other shipping costs.
Combine these two numbers together to get the total number of card you are purchasing. So in this case illustrated you'd be purchasing 65 cards total, 50 with blank envelopes shipped directly to you and 15 with addressed envelopes we are mailing for you. If you only wanted mailed cards and nothing shipped to you then you would need to adjust the Shipped To You quantity down to zero.
If you have any question about your shopping cart we recommend setting up your shopping cart but not checking out, and then contacting our support team and letting us know what you're intending to purchase. We will look into your cart and suggest adjustments to get you covered.