You can update your email address or name associated with your account in the "Profile" section under "My Account" on our website. Here are the steps:
- Sign in using your current email address.
- Access the "My Account" section by selecting the person icon 👤 or "Welcome, Name" on the top navigation bar near the search bar.
- From the next page, find the "Profile" link under "My Account"
- You should see three sections: Change Password, Name, and Email. (See What do I do if I forgot my password or need to change it? if you only need to change your password)Â
Changing your name
Simply type over the first and last name within both boxes then hit "CHANGE NAME"
If successful, you'll see a "Name changed successfully" green bar above the profile header.
Changing your email address
Enter your current email once and your new email twice then hit "CHANGE EMAIL"
If successful, you'll see a green bar like above that says "email changed successfully" and a popup stating your email was changed and your password was reset.
In your new email address inbox, you should have two emails
Email Address Updated
- Confirming your email address was updated
Your New Paper Culture Password
- Provides you a new temporary password for security to use along with your updated email address next time you log in.
- Be sure to copy and paste it exactly - you will be able to change this back to your personal password you used before from the same section you change your email and name.
- Provides you a new temporary password for security to use along with your updated email address next time you log in.
If the steps above are not working or you have any other issues, please contact us and our support team will be happy to assist.